Members with Birthdays on 02-14-2018
SSBlondie, DannoTulsa (58), LNFnoob (38), Bmr4life (36), vanbergs (35), Cobaltier (35), plyboy-illest (34), Code143218 (34), 06ss24noSC_Cobalt (33), damon14 (32), tvalentino (32), 09SSlow (32), OHH4GTO (28), Pujo (28), DvS Crow, g5s (26), zdawg24 (25), cloudygt (24), Ben Kempf (24), codyrhayes (24), Adam Dill Reid (23), slowbaltssred (23), tintcoat_LNF (23), Colton Cave (22), Nick Cooper (18), Kolbidan (18), Eyen Daub (18), nachiketa_k (18)
Valentine's Day
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*The times shown may change, depending on DST settings
*This event was posted for time zone so it will appear to occur on a different day on your calendar.
Ash Wednesday
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Ash Wednesday Holiday
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